Mathew Leonardi MD, PhD, FRCSC
Endometriosis Expert
Advanced Gynaecological Surgeon and Sonologist (Ultrasound Specialist), Hamilton Health Sciences, Canada
Assistant Professor, McMaster University, Canada
Honorary Adjunct Lecturer, University of Adelaide, Australia
Dr Mathew Leonardi is an advanced gynaecological surgeon and sonologist (ultrasound specialist) at McMaster University Medical Centre in Hamilton, Canada. He has been awarded his PhD from the University of Sydney, which was focused on the utility of ultrasound in the diagnosis and surgical management of endometriosis.
In Sydney, Australia, he completed a two-year subspecialty fellowship training program in advanced gynaecological surgery and ultrasound under the primary supervision of Professor George Condous. Working in an internationally-recognized centre, Dr Leonardi became an expert in endometriosis excision surgery. The skill to perform and interpret his own ultrasounds revolutionized his surgical practice. The principles at the centre of Mathew’s practice are that surgeons should not be surprised by what they find at surgery and, more importantly, patients should not be surprised to learn of surgical findings when they awake. Ultrasound and supplementary imaging dictate when other surgical services (including colorectal, urology, or thoracic surgery) need to play a role in a patient’s care. Even if surgery is not the chosen path for a patient, imaging can provide patients with an explanation for their experiences and guides the medical decision-making process.
Since immersing himself in the clinical and academic world of endometriosis, he has published numerous peer-reviewed scientific articles, several textbook chapters, and presented at several international congresses (ISUOG, SEUD, AAGL, WFUMB) on endometriosis. He has received numerous awards for his conference presentations on endometriosis. Now, Dr. Leonardi is a nationally and internationally recognized leader in gynaecological surgery and ultrasound. He is an avid researcher, actively contributing academically to the advancement of women’s health. He is a sought after international speaker on endometriosis.
He is currently involved with a variety of local and multicentre international projects on endometriosis, ranging from studies on pathophysiology to assessment of surgical outcomes. He is very dedicated to advancing research to improve clinical care and this will be the major focus of his career.
Dr. Leonardi was appointed a World Endometriosis Society (http://endometriosis.ca/) Junior Ambassador in January 2020 and founding member of the Next Generation Committee at the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is currently contributing to the Clinical Practice Guidelines on Endometriosis for the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada. He is an Associate Editor for Reproduction & Fertility, an exciting new journal focusing on basic, translational, pre-clinical and clinical research.