Self-management strategies to consider to combat endometriosis symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic
Mathew Leonardi, Andrew W Horne, Katy Vincent, Justin Sinclair, Kerry A Sherman, Donna Ciccia, George Condous, Neil P Johnson, Mike Armour

Human Reproduction Open


How to perform an ultrasound to diagnose endometriosis

Ultrasound has become an invaluable tool for the workup and management of patients with symptoms and signs of endometriosis. Until the publication on the systematic approach to ultrasound in patients with suspected endometriosis by the International Deep Endometriosis Analysis (IDEA) group, there was significant heterogeneity in the scientific literature in nomenclature, definitions and components of this particular scan. Despite the concise four steps outlined in their consensus statement, the nature of this ultrasound is advanced, complex and time consuming. Without intending to oversimplify the task, we propose a practical and comprehensive approach on how to perform an ultrasound scan to assess the pelvis of a woman with potential underlying endometriosis.

A global news and information forum run by specialists in endometriosis and a source of valid, high-quality information on the whole

The Endometriosis Network Canada (TENC) is the first and only registered charity in Canada dedicated to raising awareness of endometriosis and providing support and educational resources to those it affects. TENC is committed to building an informed and compassionate community through a patient-centred approach.

A national not for profit organisation in Australia focused on Endometriosis, the most aggressive benign and debilitating disease facing Australian women today.